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tale of the tape

1.53      Richard Commey   -   Alejandro Luna      2.50
date:  2018-03-10
venue:  USAUSA
division:   light
result:   W: TKO  
round:   6/12
search on:  
Richard Commey fighter Alejandro Luna
Ghana nationality USA
30 age 26
orthodox stance orthodox
1.53 odds* 2.50
25 2 0 22 record 22 0 0 15
92.59 % win-ratio 100.0 %
81.48 % ko-ratio 68.18 %
3 2 0 2 last 5 5 0 0 2
334 164 11 ocr* 278 186 20
65.62 % ocr win-ratio 57.44 %
173cm height 173cm
180cm reach 175cm
favorite odds: 1.53
25 matched
record: W:16  L:8  D:0  KO:6
 upset = underdog win and favorite odds *2 <= underdog odds
favorite odds: 1.53
UPSET: 0 matched